Monday, December 13, 2010

Age,computers and exercise

I am a great believer in the 'use it or lose it concept', particularly when applied to life as we get older. Let’s consider the connections between age, computers and exercise, and 'use it or lose it'. My Dad retired from 40 odd years as a CPA at age 70. Now, I am not suggesting that this was the best thing for my Dad, because after all these years of a routine that work demands, and the fellowship and social interaction that is part of a working environment, I think a few years of ‘phase out’ would have been better.

However, my Dad’s way of fending off the probability of boredom, was to pick up on his training regime, and 18 months later, he completed his first full marathon. Yeap, 26 miles or 42 klms, whatever rings your bells! Was this altogether amazing? Not really, as Dad was a golf caddy from age 8, and at about 20 years old, he and four of his brothers, became golf professionals. Now, I can tell you that in those days, these guys did not have a Steve Williams, normally worked in association with a club maker and a golf club, as sure as eggs are eggs, did not fly in for a tournament in a personal jet. Go Tiger!!!

However, with this background, on becoming a boring CPA, Dad maintain a fitness regime of each morning going to the course, jogging the perimeter, and hitting about 50 balls. Oh yes, then there was the mandatory 36 (sometimes 72!!) holes in the weekends.

It was on the back of this, that at 70 years old, Dad had a body that did not going into a state of shock and horror when he hit the roads for his marathon effort. How long did Dad live did I hear? He just missed his 93rd birthday!!

Well what do I learn from this? 1) That a life time of some physical activity can be a platform for greater activity later in life, if required; 2) that to try and resurrect a body later in life, after a life of inactivity, is probably a real big ask; and 3) I believe that the mental conditioning required for regular activity, is a base for physical conditioning. Dad clearly, used it, and didn’t lose it!

Now, where does the computer fit into this discussion? I spend 7 - 8 hours per day at a computer. 7 years ago, this left handed dude (me!!) found that my right hand - arm and neck was at times painful. Now, I had run 3 or 4 marathons, but I did not think that I could blame any of that on this, and I had swum more pool laps than was good for my hair color. Please understand that when I started using computers, there was not one on each desk, but a pool computer, for specific, limited functions. Because righties rule the world, the stupid mouse was always placed on the right, so lefties had to learn to adapt!

And adapt I did, to such an extent that various professionals told me that "it is the mouse Rev - the mouse is causing the pain - it is the dreaded RSI!" Well, they were right of cause (righties rule, remember?), and as my time at a computer was increasing and not decreasing, I decided that it was time to use my head. The outcome? I found that there is any amount of literature pointing to the damage that a downward pressure computer mouse can cause to the user. I found, that if one looked hard enough, there were a few strange alternatives - yes, there was a foot operated one out there somewhere - but nothing that seriously addressed the issues that had caused me so much pain.

I now know that we can do so many tasks at the computer without the need for a desk environment to make a mouse work, and that with correct ‘point & click’ and ‘click & go’ programs, the keyboard is becoming redundant. I have a 40 foot range wireless keyboard and 30 foot range wireless mouse. Neither requires you to be anywhere near a desk, and really the only limiting factor is one’s eyesight. In fact, the traditional office chair is becoming a bit of a museum piece also.

M views on most computer use, is that prolonged or even moderate use can completely reverse the ‘use it or lose it’ concept, to more like a ‘use it AND lose it’ concept. Now, I am not sure what my Dad would have made of all of this, but I suspect that his advice would have been not to use the thing in a way that hurting you (well, he was quick like that), and either stop using the things completely, or Google ‘WeraMouse’ and buy decent equipment.

Please understand that the last piece I made up. Dad had never heard of Google, or of WeraMouse. Google, because he never went anywhere near a computer, and WeraMouse, because it is brand new leading edge technology.

I use a wireless, deskless computer mouse and keyboard, because I have to use it, and I don’t want to lose it. Fairy nuf? Oh yes, and at least 4 fitness sessions a week is a must for me.

Advantages of the internet in education

The Internet is the largest set of computer networks that use the Internet Protocol. The invention and development of the Internet was the biggest discovery by mankind in the 20th century that lead to a revolution. Today, the Internet is used by more than 50% of the world population as its applications are found in nearly every fields of life: be it communication, knowledge, news, shopping, marketing, entertainment, education, etc. Here we will see more on the importance or advantages of the Internet in education. So how exactly does the Internet technology benefit the students for education? Let us take a look at it in detail.

Advantages of Using Internet with Education

The fast and relatively low cost access is one of the major benefits of Internet to people and students all over the world as getting an Internet connection is easy. Communication and information are the two most important advantages of the Internet in education. Secondly, information can be updated or modified at any time and for any number of times, which helps in learning and better understanding. Let us take a look at the role of computers in education.

Easy Contact
As mentioned above, communication is one of the biggest advantages of the Internet in education. Students can contact other students or their teachers via the E-mail if they have queries about any information. Sharing of information, discussions on a particular subject, etc. can be easily carried out using the Internet. At the same time, teachers can also contact the parents and guardians easily using Internet.

School / College Projects
The Internet can be most useful for completing projects in schools and colleges. As the Internet is an ocean of information, covering nearly all subjects known to man, one can literally find information, research work, etc. required for one's projects. Going through the information on the Internet is definitely faster than reading an entire book on the subject. Home work is also made easier with the help of the Internet which is also one of the important use of computers in education.

Sometimes, encyclopedia may not always be available to students and they may have difficulty in gaining access to the books in the library. In that case, the encyclopedia of different subjects available on the Internet can be helpful. This is more useful for students who belong to communities not having English as their mother tongue. Kids and younger children can also be benefited by the Internet by using the pictures, videos, etc. which is one of the major advantages when thinking of textbooks versus computer teaching.

All the latest news are constantly updated on the Internet on different news sites which is one of the major advantages of the Internet in education. Students, learning politics, can have an access to all the current affairs through the Internet in the school campus, at home, or at any other place. Historical accounts like speeches, biographies, etc. are also easily available on the Internet in detailed and accurate versions. This is one of the biggest use of Internet in education.

Online Learning
Another positive effects of Internet in education is the onset of distance education or online learning. With this facility, you can take up short term courses with the course material available online, learn and give exams. One of the benefits of online learning is that people from any part of the world can gain knowledge on different subjects, complete courses, etc. with the help of online learning.

With these points, we find that the importance of Internet in education cannot be denied and hence, every student should be given access to the Internet for deeper understanding and knowledge of a subject. However, lots and lots of information can be termed as both, advantages and disadvantages of the Internet as students can also have an access to unwanted or unethical information and sites. Therefore, it is only wise for parents to make students understand what is good and what not for them or keep a watch on their surfing.

These were some of the advantages of the Internet in education. Lastly, although the Internet cannot replace books or classroom education, it is one of the best substitute for those who wish to gain deeper knowledge on literally every subject. Good luck!

Evolution of computers

The term Computer, originally meant a person capable of performing numerical calculations with the help of a mechanical computing device. The evolution of computers started way back in the late 1930s. Binary arithmetic is at the core of the computers of all times. History of computers dates back to the invention of a mechanical adding machine in 1642. ABACUS, an early computing tool, invention of logarithm by John Napier and the invention of slide rules by William Oughtred were significant events in the evolution of computers from these early computing devices.

In the evolution of computers their first generation was characterized by the use of vacuum tubes. These computers were expensive and bulky. They used machine language for computing and could solve just one problem at a time. They did not support multitasking.
  • It was in 1937 that John V. Atanasoff devised the first digital electronic computer. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry came up with the ABC prototype in the November of 1939. Its computations were based on a vacuum tube and it used regenerative capacitor memory.
  • Konrad Zuse’s electromechanical ‘Z Machines’, especially the Z3 of 1941 was a notable achievement in the evolution of computers. It was the first machine to include binary and floating-point arithmetic and a considerable amount of programmability. In 1998, since it was proved to be Turing complete, it is regarded as world’s first operational computer.
  • In 1943, the Colossus was secretly designed at Bletchley Park, Britain to decode German messages. The Harvard Mark I of 1944 was a large-scale electromechanical computer with less programmability. It was another step forward in the evolution of computers.
  • The U.S. Army's Ballistics Research Laboratory came up with the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC) in 1946. It came to be known as the first general purpose electronic computer. However it was required to be rewired to change it’s programming thus making its architecture inflexible. Developers of ENIAC realized the flaws in the architecture and developed a better architecture. It was known as the stored program architecture or von Neumann Architecture. It got its name after John von Neumann, who for the first time described the architecture in 1945. All the projects of developing computers taken up thereafter have been using the von Neumann Architecture. All the computers use a ‘stored program architecture’, which is now a part of the definition of the word ‘computer’.
  • The U.S. National Bureau of Standards came up with Standards Electronic/Eastern Automatic Computer (SEAC) in 1950. Diodes handled all the logic making it the first computer to base its logic on solid devices. IBM announced the IBM 702 Electronic Data Processing Machine in 1953. It was developed for business use and could address scientific and engineering applications. Till the 1950s all computers that were used were vacuum tube based.
In the 1960s, transistor based computers replaced vacuum tubes. Transistors made computers smaller and cheaper. They made computers energy efficient. But transistors were responsible for the emission of large amounts of heat from the computer. Due to this computers were subject to damage. The use of transistors marked the second generation of computers. Computers belonging to this generation used punched cards for input. They used assembly language.
  • Stanford Research Institute brought about ERMA, Electronic Recording Machine Accounting Project, which dealt with automation of the process of bookkeeping in banking.
  • In 1959, General Electric Corporation delivered its ERMA computing system to the Bank of America in California.
The use of Integrated circuits ushered in the third generation of computers. Small transistors placed on silicon chips, called semi conductors. This increased the speed and efficiency of computers. Operating systems were the human interface to computing operations and keyboards and monitors became the input-output devices.
  • In 1968, DEC launched the first mini computer called the PDP-8.
  • In 1969, the development of ARPANET began with the financial backing of the Department Of Defense.
Thousands of integrated circuits placed onto a silicon chip made up a microprocessor. Introduction of microprocessors was the hallmark of fourth generation computers.
  • Intel produced large-scale integration circuits in 1971. During the same year, Micro Computer came up with microprocessor and Ted Hoff, working for Intel introduced 4-bit 4004.
  • In 1972, Intel introduced the 8080 microprocessors.
  • In 1974, Xerox came up with Alto workstation at PARC. It consisted of a monitor, a graphical interface, a mouse, and an Ethernet card for networking.
  • Apple Computer brought about the Macintosh personal computer January 24 1984.
The fifth generation computers are under development. They are going to be based on principles of artificial intelligence and natural language recognition. Developers are aiming at computers capable of organizing themselves. The evolution of computers continues.

How has computer technology affected our lives

Using a computer to write about computers is like searching for ‘Google’ on Google! Computer technology is so much a part of our lives, that we cannot imagine a life without it. Computers serve as efficient data storage systems and excellent information processors. They can store, organize and manage huge amounts of data. Moreover, they operate on incomparable speeds, thus saving human time and effort to a large extent. True, they are an integral part of our lives. It is said that inventions change the way we live. Computer technology is a classic example of this adage. It has indeed changed our way of living.

Computer technology that is in daily use today finds its roots in the oldest computing systems like Abacus and slide rules. The evolution of computers can be traced back to calculators and punched cards, which were some of the earliest computing devices. Analog computing devices evolved into digital information processors and from then on, there was no looking back! For a closer look at the major events in the computer history, you must go through the full timeline of computers.

For many years after 1960, when the third generation computers were created, desktops remained to be popular for personal and business use. Research in computer technology continued, giving rise to the development of laptops, palmtops, miniature tablet PCs and PDAs. As we see today, they serve as ‘personal digital assistants’ in the literal sense of the term! Their small size endows them with portability, thus adding to user convenience. As they can be operated on batteries, they provide computer users with mobile computing capabilities. How has this affected our lives? Well, we can remain connected to the world at all times. Work is no more location-dependent!

Computer operating systems are a vital component of the computer technology. They help in the management of a variety of computer operations and in the sharing of computer resources. They handle the scheduling and execution of computer programs, help in the management of files and handle interrupts. They manage multiple user profiles and user accounts, thus playing a major role in maintaining computer security. Certain types of operating systems offer distributed processing capabilities and support multitasking and multi-user operations. The most important role of an operating system is to provide the users with an interactive interface. They have made the interaction with computers, a user-friendly experience and made it easy for the common man to make friends with the computer technology.

Computers, as we all know, can perform complex mathematical operations and process large amounts of information. Thanks to their computational powers, long and complex calculations can be performed within seconds. They can be programmed to execute complex instruction sequences through the use of programming languages. That reminds me of the software industry, one of the most progressive industries of the world. Computer technology gave rise to this industry and changed the face of the world.

The multimedia capabilities possessed by the computers make them one of the ideal audio-visual media. They can be made to play movies and music. They offer support to a variety of storage media like CDs, DVDs, floppy disks and USB drives. Computer hard disks are also capable of storing and playing audio and video. And how has this affected our lives? Well, it is due to these storage and audio-visual media, that we can maintain soft-copies of data. Gone are the days, when we used to document on paper! Gone are the days when students maintained traditional notebooks. Many of them possess notebook computers today. Today’s education is about PowerPoint presentations and e-homework assignments. TVs and radios were once, the only means of entertainment, but not any more. Today’s entertainment is about the computer and Internet technology!

Perhaps, one of the major advantages of the computer technology is its ability to provide us with Internet access. Computers possess networking capabilities, which makes it possible to connect multiple computers and achieve an exchange of information between them. Network communication is possible, thanks to the networking features offered by the computer technology.
These were some of the important effects of computer technology on our lives. The list can go on. However, the very fact that you are on a computer reading about the effects of computer technology, which I have typed into a computer, speaks a lot about the effects of computer technology on our lives. Don’t you think so?

Advantages of computers

Advantages of Computers
The present global age is the consequence of the computer age. A computer is an electronic device that stores and processes data, according to a list of instructions. It allows a user to manipulate data easily. The speed of performance of a computer is incomparable. The computer and Internet have affected our way of working, communicating, playing and also writing. In fact, computers are used in every aspect of life today.

Advantages of Computers

Because of the many advantages of a computer, it has become an important household item. A computer operated by an individual without any specific computer operator is called as a personal computer (PC). A PC can be a desktop or a laptop computer and can be used at home or at office. As per the requirement of the user, softwares are installed in a PC. Let’s discuss the advantages of computers.

One can write more effectively by means of a computer. There are tools like spelling and grammar checker, thesaurus and dictionary, installed in the computer. Thus, it takes less time to proofread a written document and also, there is no need to open up a dictionary book to look for meanings of words. Typing is much faster than writing on a paper. If there is a need for reorganizing the sentences or paragraphs, one can cut and paste and make the necessary changes. Thus, overall a computer allows the user to create documents, edit, print, and store them so that they can be retrieved later.

Using a computer, one can remain connected to the world through Internet. Internet is a network of computers that communicates via the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP). The World Wide Web (WWW) or simply web is a huge resource of information that can be accessed via the Internet. To mention a few of the resources, there are electronic mail (e-mail), file transferring and sharing, online chat and gaming. The Internet allows people from around the world to share knowledge, ideas and experiences in any field.

E-mail is a method of communication used globally and is provided with a system of creating, storing and forwarding mails. It may consist of text messages with attachments of audio-visual clips. One can also download or upload files using the Internet. There are also facilities like online chatting available on the Internet. As compared to telephonic conversation, both e-mail and online chat are cost saving. Online gaming is another important resource of the WWW. Many online games are available, which are of common interest for any age group. In addition, one can read current news, check weather conditions, plan vacations and make hotel and travel reservations, find out about diseases and treatment methods, conduct transactions, learn about specific countries and their cultures, seek jobs, buy products, etc via the Internet.

Nowadays, computers are widely used for education and training purposes. In schools, computer education has been made compulsory to spread awareness about computers. As a matter of fact, computers have become a learning tool for children. Also, there are many universities that provide online degrees, which is very advantageous for those people staying in the remote areas and for the disabled. In fact, online education is one of the most flexible and convenient forms of learning. One can take the benefit of such online degree programs staying at home without the need of relocation. Computers are also used for training purposes. Many companies use them to train their staffs.

However, in spite of the many advantages of computers, there are some disadvantages that cannot be ignored. The easy access to information via Internet has made students lazy in terms of their education since they are able to download information without exploring their topic of research. They also use computers for mathematical tables and calculations without actually solving the problems. Also, it is important for parents to keep a check on the browsing habits of their children as some websites are not meant for their viewing. Other disadvantages include identity theft and virus threat. Computers viruses are harmful to the systems and can be transferred from one computer system to another.

Computer an important part of human beings

Without computer we are totally helpless because every work, every record and all transactions keep in computer memory so these are the most important feature of computer. Most important thing what is a computer? Computer may be defined as a device that can operate upon information and data.

This is done through execution of programs. And computers characteristics make different from others like speed, computer can perform about three to four million simple instructions per second. And second one is accuracy; the accuracy of a computer is consistently high. It can perform different task on at time, and most important point is that diligence; unlike human being, a computer does not suffer from limitation associated with human beings like.

This age is called computer age because now a day every one has computer, desktop and they know of its uses and every child, every students wants computer first and every parent provide them because how a parent can be back to make happy their children’s requirement, and computer is also user interface because its so easy to operate. But every people those who use computer should have some fundamental knowledge and some practical experience so that they could perform better and computer is depend upon all about practical work, but still most of the students has some problem to understand the basic of computer and they have also face to do practical work so they can take help from computer assignment help their they can get every thing like computer notes, assignment, experts solution some tips etc. that will be very helpful for all students.

Now day students showing their interest in computer field and they wants to make their career in this field, that’s why they chose computer science in engineering so many students got so excellent in computer and finally they become a software engineer, software developer etc. and some them who are master mind in this and they become a hacker but they misuse of it. Most important thing is that we can connect internet in our computer, desktop, laptop so with the help of internet we can take Assignment Help For Example as Online tutoring, e-classes, doubt clearing classes because some time we cant get all necessary information what we want so that time internet is so useful where we can use it 24x7 any time any where.

MBA student’s first requirement is laptop and computer because without how can they make a power point presentation and they need to every note which can be different from others because this is a competition world. So it is more important for all management students if they face any problem can get management assignment help so why you are doing late come soon and join this computer age.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Today's age computer


Today, we have entered a new era: the computer age – an age which owes everything to inventors.
Stock Photo - people using computers 
in an internet 
café. fotosearch 
- search stock 
photos, pictures, 
wall murals, images, 
and photo clipart

Charles Babbage, an English mathematician, is considered to be the great-grandfather of the computer. Over 150 years ago, in 1840 to be exact, he invented a sophisticated calculating machine, and called it the "Analytical Engine." As with many inventions, his creation was far in advance of its time.
It took another 100 years before the first computers were built, and as you know, they were huge and incredibly heavy. Take, for instance, the famous Mark I. It was the world’s first electro-mechanical computer and was used during World War 2 by the U.S. Navy. In comparison to 20th-century systems, it could be likened to a battleship: 2.6 meters high, 16 meters wide, 2 meters deep, and weighing a massive 5 tons!
The machine – the hardware – could not develop without the software to match, of course. In this respect, two women mathematicians played key roles.
Ada Lovelace Byron, daughter of the poet Lord Byron, wrote in 1843 what today we'd call programs for Charles Babbage’s "Analytical Engine." She was a pioneer and is considered to be the very first programmer in history. That's why 130 years later, the U.S. Department of Defence gave her forename – Ada – A-D-A – to one of the most important computer programs in the world. It is used not only by the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force but also by big industry, universities, and other centers of research.
Grace Hopper,
Today, computers are at the center of thousands upon thousands of other inventions. They are the heartbeats of the modern world. Computers are every-where – from kitchens to concrete mixers, from planes to pockets. They listen. They speak. They act. Never in world history has one invention had such an influence on humanity as a whole. Without the computer age, there would be no global awareness.
Internet, in particular, has created a brand new environment. A new culture has been born – free, rapid, and universal – where people share their knowledge and expertise. Information and communication techniques have been turned upside down, distance has been eliminated, frontiers abolished. A tremendous interactive potential is burgeoning on our planet Earth today. Like it or lump it – none can stop it!
I would like to mention something concerning Internet. The inventors in 1990 of the World Wide Web (WWW), which revolutionized the contemporary computer world, did not become millionaires. British Tim Berners-Lee and Belgian Robert Caillau, both researchers at European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, did not make any money through their invention of the WWW. They refused to patent it. They feared that in so doing, the use of the Web would prove prohibitively expensive preventing its use worldwide. Thus, they passed up a fortune so that our world can learn and communicate today, and we should be grateful to them for their foresight.The invention of the computer with its multitude of programs and new information technologies is transforming the traditional perception of an inventor. A more positive image is emerging. No longer personified by an eccentric crackpot, a crackpot male genius working alone in attic, garage or basement, today's inventors resemble more and more millions of other scientists, industrial researchers and entrepreneurs in workshops or laboratories surrounded by a computer station. All use the "mouse" instead of a pencil, and their drawing boards are computer screens.

Friday, December 10, 2010

History of computer

Webster's Dictionary defines "computer" as any programmable electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data. The basic idea of computing develops in the 1200's when a Moslem cleric proposes solving problems with a series of written procedures.
As early as the 1640's mechanical calculators are manufactured for sale. Records exist of earlier machines, but Blaise Pascal invents the first commercial calculator, a hand powered adding machine. Although attempts to multiply mechanically were made by Gottfried Liebnitz in the 1670s the first true multiplying calculator appears in Germany shortly before the American Revolution.
In 1801 a Frenchman, Joseph-Marie Jacquard builds a loom that weaves by reading punched holes stored on small sheets of hardwood. These plates are then inserted into the loom which reads (retrieves) the pattern and creates(process) the weave. Powered by water, this "machine" came 140 years before the development of the modern computer.

Ada Countess Lovelace
Ada Lovelace

Shortly after the first mass-produced calculator(1820), Charles Babbage begins his lifelong quest for a programmable machine. Although Babbage was a poor communicator and record-keeper, his difference engine is sufficiently developed by 1842 that Ada Lovelace uses it to mechanically translate a short written work. She is generally regarded as the first programmer. Twelve years later George Boole, while professor of Mathematics at Cork University, writes An Investigation of the Laws of Thought(1854), and is generally recognized as the father of computer science.
The 1890 census is tabulated on punch cards similar to the ones used 90 years earlier to create weaves. Developed by Herman Hollerith of MIT, the system uses electric power(non-mechanical). The Hollerith Tabulating Company is a forerunner of today's IBM.
Just prior to the introduction of Hollerith's machine the first printing calculator is introduced. In 1892 William Burroughs, a sickly ex-teller, introduces a commercially successful printing calculator. Although hand-powered, Burroughs quickly introduces an electronic model.
In 1925, unaware of the work of Charles Babbage, Vannevar Bush of MIT builds a machine he calls the differential analyzer. Using a set of gears and shafts, much like Babbage, the machine can handle simple calculus problems, but accuracy is a problem.
The period from 1935 through 1952 gets murky with claims and counterclaims of who invents what and when. Part of the problem lies in the international situation that makes much of the research secret. Other problems include poor record-keeping, deception and lack of definition.
In 1935, Konrad Zuse, a German construction engineer, builds a mechanical calculator to handle the math involved in his profession. Shortly after completion, Zuse starts on a programmable electronic device which he completes in 1938.

John Vincent Atanasoff
Courtesy Jo Campbell
The Shore Journal

John Vincent Atanasoff begins work on a digital computer in 1936 in the basement of the Physics building on the campus of Iowa State. A graduate student, Clifford (John) Berry assists. The "ABC" is designed to solve linear equations common in physics. It displays some early features of later computers including electronic calculations. He shows it to others in 1939 and leaves the patent application with attorneys for the school when he leaves for a job in Washington during World War II. Unimpressed, the school never files and ABC is cannibalized by students.

The Enigma

Courtesy U. S. Army

The Enigma, a complex mechanical encoder is used by the Germans and they believe it to be unbreakable. Several people involved, most notably Alan Turing, conceive machines to handle the problem, but none are technically feasible. Turing proposes a "Universal Machine" capable of "computing" any algorithm in 1937. That same year George Steblitz creates his Model K(itchen), a conglomeration of otherwise useless and leftover material, to solve complex calculations. He improves the design while working at Bell Labs and on September 11, 1940, Steblitz uses a teletype machine at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire to transmit a problem to his Complex Number Calculator in New York and receives the results. It is the first example of a network.
First in Poland, and later in Great Britain and the United States, the Enigma code is broken. Information gained by this shortens the war. To break the code, the British, led by Touring, build the Colossus Mark I. The existence of this machine is a closely guarded secret of the British Government until 1970. The United States Navy, aided to some extent by the British, builds a machine capable of breaking not only the German code but the Japanese code as well